On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Stan Schwertly wrote: Hey everyone, I was thinking of some of us gathering every once in a while are maybe teaching each other new things we've learned. I've been playing with some stuff that might be helpful for others, and I think we each have some specific experience somewhere that would be good to share. Brian, you could talk about your experience creating games with C#/the xbox platform, Tom, you could talk about working with python and games, etc. It would be less formal than the Stockton Computer Society, but it 'd also be more targeted to the "now" of computer science. I feel like the curriculum is trying to teach theory, which is nice, but won't do everything for you. Is anyone interested? I know my schedule is kind of jam-packed right now, but we probably have some time slot in common. Everyone in CS is going to graduate with theory, but it isn't guaranteed that they'll have practical knowledge or exposure. Let me know and we can start figuring things out! Regards, Stan