Nick's DCS Music Pack 1 April 18, 2013 Here's a bunch of bands I've been digging on recently, along with some other stuff I like or though went with the flow. Also, below, I've included blurbs about each song! Me being a former college radio DJ tried to make this into a proper mix, despite the apparent ADD-ness of it all. Listening to these songs in order is recommended. == Track 1 == Truck by The Octopus Project I've only been listening to The Octopus Project for a little while now, and most of their stuff is just great. Really happy, usually kinda ambient music. Great stuff to listen to while you work. Truck is probably one of their more 'hyper' songs. == Track 2 == Fresh Hex by Tobacco (featuring Beck) Tobacco's the front-man of the band Black Moth Super Rainbow, and anyone familiar with the band knows that it's pretty weird stuff. His solo stuff is less floaty and more into heavy beats than what BMSR does, which makes for some really awesome stuff. BMSR and Octopus Project actually made a joint album and it was really hard to not include stuff from that, but alas this pack can only be ten songs long. == Track 3 == Cascadia by Trash80 I've been listening to Trash80 ever since he did music for that game Darwinia. I kind of forgot about him until I realized that he played at 8static last year, and found a bunch of his new stuff on his website. Cascadia is a great song, but a lot of his other stuff is good too and FREE on his website! I kind of wish he would come out with an actual album. == Track 4 == A Chore by Tom Vek Tom Vek started making music while studying to be a graphic designer. You can almost hear that in his music. He's an artist which I've re-discovered since I first heard him when I was in college and just realized that he came out with a new album. He's got some good songs, even on his old album. == Track 5 == The French Open by Foals Not really new stuff, but good. I like their first album best since it's more upbeat and mathy than their other stuff. The French Open is a good representation of that. == Track 6 == Just Got to Be by The Black Keys In the office, I've talked about how The Black Keys are too poppy now and how their old stuff is way better (blah blah hipster bullshit). Here's a good example of their old stuff. This is perfect music to listen to while working in the garage. == Track 7 == How Do You Like Me Now by The Heavy Hooooolllly shitballs. I just heard this band a few days ago. Most of their stuff is alright, but this song is fucking great. == Track 8 == Misshapen Love by Kentucky Knife Fight Awesome band from St. Louis. I don't even know how to describe them. This is the type of stuff I'd expect to hear rockin' out in a dive bar. Great stuff. If you like this song, also check out Love the Lonely by them. == Track 9 == Going Steady by Death from Above 1979 Not new to me, but really high-energy punkish rock. This will either annoy you or blow your cock off. These guys are definitely on my to-see-live bucket list. The band's a duo, one dude on drums and another on guitar/synth. And the dude drumming is doing the singing. I recommend watching a Youtube video of these guys playing live. In fact, here's one: Fun trivia: They were called just "Death from Above" but then James Murphy, the LCD Soundsystem guy, who owns the record label Death from Above, got pissy about the name. So they tacked on the 1979 bit. == Track 10 == Scenester by Big D and the Kids Table AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. It wouldn't be a music pack from Nick without at least one ska song. :) Big D and the Kids Table is a 3rd wave ska band from Boston, and definitely fall under the punk side of ska. They've got some great tunes, and this album, The Gipsy Hill, is probably my favorite by them.